Entries from December 2021 ↓
December 25th, 2021 — General

We are organizing a free Christmas dinner in December 25th in Amsterdam!
Dm us on our Instagram handle if you want ore information and the location!
Instagram: @autonomousstudentstruggle
December 25th, 2021 — General
Banner drops in front of the VU and at the UVA today Roeterseiland Campus today!

December 22nd, 2021 — General
On the night of 13/12 we pasted posters with our demands on university campuses around Amsterdam.
We want a university that is fully democratic and where there are no cops and cameras. We want an anti-racist university without gender and sexual violence. We demand free housing and food and we fight In solidarity with staff for better wages and an end to casualisation and precarity. Down with the neo liberal university.
Get angry
Get involved
Because our universities are shit

December 22nd, 2021 — General
On Thursday of 9th of December, some of us occupied the ministry of finance during the protest against the student loan system.
We stayed inside a couple of minutes before being violently dragged out by cops and fined.
This is only the beginning. Shit is happening and ASS is there.
December 22nd, 2021 — General
Universities have become a bland, profit driven and alienating space.
Student life outside of school is also harsh. Exorbitant housing costs, unafforda ble meals and living costs further pile onto the enormous load of stress due to the high workload brought onto us by university.
This is a call to students to revolt against the oppression imposed upon us by universities. Universities should be spaces where we can think freely and politically organize ourselves.
To the universities: you treat us like ass and we won’t take it anymore.
Contact us: autonomousstudentstruggle@protonmail.com
Instagram: @autonomousstudentstruggle