Squatting guide

Squatting guide_2023

This guide is a short introduction to the different steps you can take
when you want to squat a building in the Netherlands.
We decided to make a guide that does not go too much into detail. We want to keep it
as straight to the point as possible. If you want more information you can go to your
local Kraakspreekuur (squatting advice hour, more info on page 4) or look at the links
that are at the end of the document.
This is just a compilation of how some people squat and have squatted (in Amsterdam)
over the past few years. Now it is up to you to see what you want to take from this. You
can always decide do to things differently. Squatting is a lot about trying, being
flexible and finding creative solutions.
Good luck and have fun squatting your house !!!